Dear Valued Client!
Can you believe that the we are just 4 weeks away from Christmas? Before we all take a well deserved breath after a challenging year, I wanted to take a moment to inform you of year end arrangements.
In December we will be sending out invoices a little earlier than normal - on the 15th of December and due on the 18th so that you not left with having to remember to settle invoices in the week between Christmas and New Years. The amount will be exactly the same as the previous months. In January 2021 - we will revert to our normal billing cycle of invoices being due on the 28th of the month.
The Integrated offices will be closed from the 15th however we will remain on standby to deal with Urgent Matters Only throughout the holiday period. Should something urgent come up we encourage you to promptly log a ticket (which can be accessed via ) with all the details and we will contact you directly to resolve the issue.
We trust this meets with your understand. If you have any question regarding this mail - please feel free to mail me directly.
Best Regards
Thursday, November 26, 2020
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